Motion. Design. Direction.
AIA Healthiest Schools Campaign
Concept, Pitch, Art Direction, Storyboarding, Design, Animation
Produced in
160/90 developed a campaign concept for an AIA initiative and asked Carbon to help them bring it to life. The programme objective is to promote healthy lifestyles among students of ages 5-16 years old by providing free, curriculum-linked resources for teachers and students within the four key pillars of healthy living - healthy eating, active lifestyles, mental wellbeing and health sustainability.
01 - The Brief
We took on the challenge to create a series of 8 impactful 2D animated shorts, based on stories from the winning schools across APAC, to inspire others to help students lead healthier, longer, better lives. Using soft colours and fluid transitions that carry the journey from scene to scene, we brought a warmth to the very important messages behind this initiative.
02 - The Approach
The Pitch &
The creative proposal that I worked on and presented can be found here.
In order to make the series more personal and relatable, we decided to give each video a first person tone of voice - letting the educator, parent or child tell their story and experience of the school's efforts to promote a healthier lifestyle. However, we decided upon a more whimsical and dreamier style treatment such that it would look fun and retain visual interest.
The Art Direction
Whilst adhering to AIA's brand colour palette, we also developed a unique colour scheme for each school that was derived from each of the school crests. However, as many school crests had similar colours, we injected an additional colour to the mix that represents the country for a more distinctive colour palette.
A nice touch to the series was ensuring that each video ended off with the same angle of the different school building featured in the story and zoom out of the 'O' in AIA Healthiest Schools logo.