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Genesis Manifesto


Concept, Storyboarding,

Styleframes Design,

2D & 3D Animation

Produced in

Genesis Motion Design

01 - The Brief

Creating a company manifesto to talk about our beliefs, culture and approach to work as designers in Genesis Motion Design.

Pulling together all our specialties in a mixed media blend of 2D, 3D and live action stop-motion, we created a wonderful mess of different art styles that clearly portrayed the character of the diverse team.

02 - The Approach


Above are my initial styleframes for the script line "You might have seen us". Although I liked the design, I wanted to break out of my comfort zone and try a different style and color palette. Thus, I decided to go full black and white with varied textures and more abstract organic shapes.

"You might have seen us"

I kept the same visualisation of this script line by showcasing the opening of an eye. However, I chose to go for a more fluid look, whereby the shadows felt more natural and the eye was stylised to have a curvier and more gelatinous feel.

"You might have heard of us"

From the eye, the fragments and bubble-like elements bring the viewer to a very fluid audio waveform that swirls about the screen.

"You might be wondering who we are"

A Picasso-inspired, more graphically designed face, built out of the facial features that were shown in earlier scenes.

"We align people and brands together"

Two halves forming a whole, merging to become The Excalibur. The sword was a visual symbol of the power we wield in aligning people and brands together, with the added benefit of also looking really cool in animation.

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